New Believer Discipleship
Discipleship Plan 3/3rds Group
Discipleship Plan 3/3rds Group download
This is the primary discipleship path for an individual or group of new believers. The 15 section discipleship below can be supplemental to address certain topics or as additional study.
supplemental Study Downloads
(By Kevin King, © 2007)
The new believer discipleship series is an overview of the Christian life for new believers. It is not intended to be a deep study on each topic but rather a general study to introduce the new believer to many important topics. This study is cyclical and will cover similar important topics over again in different ways. The new believer can do 2 or 3 sections in one week and then meet with another believer for discussion. This series should take 1–2 months to complete.
Section 14: What is the purpose of life? (coming soon)
Section 15: Which way should I go? (Knowing God’s will for my life)(coming soon)