Be a part of a church that looks like the book of Acts.

Connect with a Bridge Network church in Metro New York.

Christianity as usual is not working.

There’s a reason that Christianity may feel dry and disempowered. We’re not called to a church experience, we’re called to follow Jesus and make disciples.

It’s time to be a part of a church movement of the Holy Spirit.

Come & See in 3 Steps

Getting connected with a Spirit-led Church movement should be simple and relational.

Here’s how it works with Bridge Network:


fill out the form to connect with us.

VISIT a Bridge Network church.

We've seen God multiply dozens of churches in NYC and abroad.

Be a part of a church that looks like the Book of Acts. Join a community of believers in your neighborhood.

FREE Discovery Bible Study Worksheet

Sign up for this FREE resource and start making disciples of your friends and neighbors.

Don’t get stuck attending church instead of being it.

Get connected and be part of a multiplying, gospel centered community.